
Website Application

We love working on website application projects with passionate business owners

There is something very satisfying about working as part of a team to bring a vision to life.

We give our all to our projects and they take a lot of energy and expertise to get right, so we only work with select clients on projects that excite us and that we think have a real chance at success.

Today, a well designed and search engine optimized website is not a luxury, it is a necessity for any business, small or large! Statistics show that well over 60% of all purchases now begin with an online search, and that number is growing every day, so your business needs to be able to be found online.

We are not graphic designers, we are website designers and builders and experienced online marketers — we will build you an efficient, good looking website which the search engines and your customers/clients will love, and we will do it quickly and economically.

We do not spend days or weeks agonizing over the exact color of blue for your website logo, or the perfect font, so we can have you up and running, looking good, and making money, quickly.

Because of this, we are usually pretty close to capacity, but if we can help you, we will.

Yes, the form is very long, and some of the questions are complex and thought-provoking, so it will take a fair bit of time to fill in. But we don’t apologize for that because we believe that a business website should be an integral part of your overall online business marketing strategy and not just something that you get because everyone else has got one and you don’t want to feel left out.

So we go to a lot of trouble trying to find out:

[a] what your current marketing strategy is, and

[b] how we can implement a complementary strategy on your business website so that your website becomes an essential extension of your business.

Hopefully if you have been in business for a while, or have recently finished a business course, you will already know the answers to most of the curly questions. If not, now is the time to think about them, before another day passes!

One of the biggest reasons for the unacceptably high rate of failure for new startup businesses, besides lack of sufficient capital to maintain the business through the initial months, is a lack of focus and a clear plan for the business. Time after time, people come to us for advice on how to sell their products, but when we ask them who their Target Market is, what their Core Values are, what their Core Focus is, what their Unique Differentiator is, they have no idea. All they have is a product to sell, but no plans on how to sell it, or who to sell it to. They are basically just babes in the woods, lost, with no sense of direction for their business.

Whether or not your business is a good fit for us, and vice versa, just thinking about these questions, and answering them, will improve your business by giving you much more clarity about your business goals and vision.

We understand that time is a problem with small business owners, so we recommend that you fill in the form below.

If you take the time to fill out the form below, we will be able to let you know whether or not we can help you get a website up and running and making you more money, so go ahead, we can’t wait to see what you have in mind!

Business Information Form