
About Us

Welcome to SoftNetBiz !

SoftNetBiz is a website designing and development , digital markting and business solutions agency. Although we are only reasonably new to the area, we have over ten years’ experience in marketing online, so we should be able to help you to get your business survive, grow and thrive with high returns consistently.

Our aim is to be your one-stop-shop for all things to do with marketing online, from logo design and branding to website design and construction. From social media marketing and management to online reputation repair and management.

Get in touch and we would be happy to give you a better idea of just what you need to do to get your business online and noticed to your targeted audiance.

Who Are We

The Founder, H. K. Bhardwaj, has been in business since 1999, way back in the days when floppy discs and dial-up modems were mainstream and achieved expertise in business solutions through website design & right technology integrations.

Our Mission

Our mission is to reverse the current statistics of failure of startup businesses, and to help 1000 startup businesses become successful businesses.

What We Do

We help startup businesses, and established businesses in need of help to reach the next level in business, to work smarter, not harder.
We do this by helping them to simplify, systemize and automate their businesses.

Our 6-D Process

1. Discover

Before you can fix a problem, you need to know what the problem is, and what the solution needs to be.

We sit down with you and discover what you are currently doing, what you want to do, and who your target market is.

2. Define

The next step is to define the problem so that we are all on the same page.

Depending on the problem, we will define a solution and map it out for you, step by step.

3. Website Design

how to start a startup website application

Once we are certain everyone is on the same page, we will custom design a solution for you.

Depending on the requirements, that may involve designing a new website for you, or designing a social media marketing plan to suit.

4. Develop

Next step in the process is to develop the specific custom solution for you.

This may mean developing a wireframe version of your new website, or developing a step by step plan for your social media marketing.

5. Deploy

This is where it actually starts to get real for the client.

We will deploy a live version of your solution, so that you can see first-hand how the solution will work, honk the horn and ring the bells.

6. Deliver


Once we are satisfied that you are delighted with your new solution, and only then, will we hand you the keys.

But we don’t just hand you the keys and let you drive off into the sunset, we will work with you so that you and your staff are all completely familiar with the solution, and are happy to recommend us to your friends!

Why Choose Us?

All of our websites are built by highly experienced designers. We will maintain your website so that it is always up to date, secure from malware and backed up regularly.

Our support staff don’t sleep, if you ever have a problem with any of our services there is always somebody on hand to help you.

Our services are all designed with best practices in mind, so that you can be sure of getting the best possible results from them at all times.

All of our staff has had years, and in some cases decades, in their relevant industry so you will not get better service anywhere else in the world.

Get In Touch

We are present on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Google. Please follow to learn more.